Scripture for today:
1 Corinthians 12
Ephesians 4
Differences: Black, white, Pentecostal, Baptist, tall, short, heavy, thin, blond, brunette, mentally challenged, genius, physically challenged, sports hero, janitor, company CEO, rich, poor, blah, blah, blah! Are you getting the picture? We are all different. We were created that way. It was God’s Design…His plan. We are designed to complement each other in our differences. Our distinctiveness was not supposed to stand alone; rather, was to connect us with other distinctive pieces to make a complete picture. As pretty as one flower is, how much more beauty is there in a full bouquet of flowers? Then, add to that the vase and other decorations in a room. Each piece, alone, is beautiful and distinct; but together, can create an ensemble of beauty that alone cannot be attained.
We can either, be afraid and let our differences keep us apart, or we can appreciate each other and let our differences draw us together. It is okay to be different; it is okay to acknowledge our differences; it is not okay to allow those differences to separate us! We are each created with individual purpose, yet, there is still a greater purpose. Each of us has specific needs and differing gifts. Separately, we can accomplish a little…together, we can accomplish much.