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My Family

Writer: Jodi Lynn HillJodi Lynn Hill

I am a mother of two very active children and the wife of a very active husband. We are a ministry family. We love to do outreaches that help people who are struggling to feed and clothe their families. We do whatever we can to be a blessing where ever we are. God shows us every day that no matter what we, personally, struggle with, we are still obligated by his Gospel of love to do what is within our means (and sometimes by faith, things that are beyond our means) to help those who are in situations worse than ours. We have never been disappointed by how God has blessed us many times over for our sacrifice.

We have several unique things about our family. One of them being that we home-educate our children. The other is that all four of us have an Autism Spectrum Disorder called Asperger’s Syndrome. This can make life challenging at times, but with our support team and by the grace of God, we overcome daily those challenges and accomplish things that most with this disorder are unable to accomplish. God is faithful!

The reason I chose Destiny Moments for my blog title is that I believe that it only takes one moment to change your destiny.  One choice can change the direction you are headed. So all those moments, if you take time to really think them through, remembering that your destiny can be altered, you could end up going a whole different direction than you intended. Again though, God is faithful…when we realize that we made a wrong choice, he will always bring you around to an opportunity to get back on track with the Destiny that God has intended for you.

There are many things I enjoy…quiet time with God my Father, cooking, watching movies, reading, riding horse, singing and spending time with friends and family. The one thing that I enjoy most is writing. I write Bible Studies and create Bible Curriculum and I absolutely enjoy teaching God’s Word. God has given me a gift to explain the Scripture in such a way that people can walk away and be able to explain it to someone else. This blesses me. When someone can truly teach what I have taught and it’s not just repeating what I said like a parrot, then I feel I have been a good steward of the gift that God has given me.

There have been a great many things in my life where God has taken difficult situations and brought me through to the other side into joy and peace and blessing. My testimony is in itself an adventure. Anyone who says that being a Christian is boring needs to come and talk to me and see if this is accurate. I will assure them with my many stories of Gods deliverance, healing and grace that the Christian life is far from boring and is in reality, an adventure worth exploring. AGAIN…GOD IS FAITHFUL!

I am a writer, a singer, a speaker, a teacher, a mother, a wife, a daughter and so many other things.  Some days I wear so many hats that at times they are stacked on top of one another all at once. Some days I am overwhelmed and need to retreat to my room for some solitude with my Jesus and my computer to write and just dump out my head and heart. Sometimes, I am capable and confident of who I am and where I am going.  Other times, I am not so much. But every day, I am thankful to God that he has given me one more day to live life for him and another opportunity to be a witness so that perhaps one more person may choose life in Christ instead of hell.  Read Jodi's wordpress blog at



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