"What's on my mind". Well, I'll tell you...Jesus coming to take his bride away for the wedding feast of the Lamb. I'm thinking about what I can do to make sure that the whole world knows that Jesus, by his death on the cross provided a way of escape like the ark in Noah's day. In the New Testament whenever the End Times were brought up, it always says, "As it was in the day of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Lord Jesus." So maybe study more on the Flood and the Ark and Noah and everything about that time and you may learn more of what to look for about the Last Days. Jesus is

coming soon and we need to be ready, but we also need to be telling others so they can get ready too. Things are lining up quickly, and the closer we get to Jesus catching up the saints (believers in Him) the faster things will go. So...maybe...like when I was little and we would go see the comedian Mike Warnke...it's time for a little rapture practice. --